A straight-to-the-point guide for ambitious freelancers

by Victor Fatanmi

Powered by Fullgap ✊🏾

Quick intro

Who did I prepare this for?

Storytelling fundamentals

Using the guide

Your 30-day guide

Great examples of storytelling your work/career

How to pay for this FREE resource 😉

I have created many digital resources and they always go for a small affordable fee — from my ebook on selling to Learnergy’s MyLifeMap (with Onikepo Williams). But this one is sponsored by Fullgap, and if you insist on paying something back, below is one way you can.

Tell ONE friend of yours every day for these 30 days about Fullgap. Tell them about how we are bringing ‘power to the creative ones’ — with effective management systems to simplify how freelancers manage their projects and businesses. Ask them to read more at www.fullgap.co and join our waitlist via https://www.fullgap.co/waitlist. We launch by April 2023.

Only you, 30 friends? That’s a lot tbh. You know what? Just try your best. It will count.

Power to the creative ones i.e you ✊🏾